The Art of Aural, Giving Good Phone

Good aural sex is both an art and a discipline. Voice tone has a direct effect on the frequency and passion in an intimate relationship. Even when not anticipating formal intimacy, you’re building or diminishing a love connection with each interaction by how you speak. Remember that foreplay is a constant, rather than an event.ContinueContinue reading “The Art of Aural, Giving Good Phone”

Responding to Relationship Stress with an F word

The following is an excerpt from my soon-to-be released book: I’ve compiled a list of several ‘F’ words relevant to intimate relationship. They are: Fight, Flight/Fantasy, Faint/Fold, Freak/Flail, Freeze, Fix, Fun, Feel, Flow and F**k. Our teachers in school told us that humans essentially only have two main responses to stress (that being fight orContinueContinue reading “Responding to Relationship Stress with an F word”

Killing a Deer, Honoring a Woman

As a young man, I killed a deer. It was one of the most profound moments in my life. I did not take this act lightly in any way. My purpose was food for the upcoming winter. Whether directly or indirectly, we all ‘take’ life in order to live. A life of some kind wasContinueContinue reading “Killing a Deer, Honoring a Woman”

Safety in Intimacy

In my experience, the things that most allow a woman to trust and open to an intimate partner are love and safety. With these two elements in place, a woman may more fully open her heart, whether it be a one-time, long-term, committed belovedship or a marriage. With a trustable and loving partner she canContinueContinue reading “Safety in Intimacy”

Meeting Your Beloved: A Pre-flight Checklist

Before coming together with your beloved intimate partner, consider taking an extra moment to feel into your depths and get more centered. Feel your role in the relationship. This is a way to consciously connect with yourself in preparation for loving another. I created a ‘Pre-flight Checklist’ for my personal use that you might find valueContinueContinue reading “Meeting Your Beloved: A Pre-flight Checklist”

Can You Revel In A Kiss?

We’re all familiar with alternate giving when it involves foot rubs, massage or more intimate touch. But, where is the rule that we always have to kiss simultaneously? As a love coach, I often encourage people to incorporate alternate kissing into their sex play. Imagine your lover gently, slowly, sweetly kissing your heart, neck, faceContinueContinue reading “Can You Revel In A Kiss?”

How Deep Can You Glow?

Our energy doesn’t end at our skin. Most people are familiar with hands-on energetic touch as a healing modality and we expect to feel energy in our bodies during a massage session. If we accept that energy is transmitted from our fingertips then it should be easy to realize that energy is transmitted by touchContinueContinue reading “How Deep Can You Glow?”

Beauty of an Awakened Woman

Smiles come easily and her eyes shine with light. She speaks her feelings directly and with astuteness. Her posture transmits confidence and dignity. Her beauty and her personal power are integrated. People comment that there’s a radiance or “glow” about her. Perhaps it is a result deepening into self-acceptance and choosing to live as love.ContinueContinue reading “Beauty of an Awakened Woman”

When Is Sex Tantric?

There are innumerable definitions of tantra and tantric sex. Some people say that “neo-tantra” is neither new or tantra. Methinks they are both right and wrong. I present my definition to you here. I consider that sex is not tantric of itself. For me, tantra is an attitude and awareness of being fully present toContinueContinue reading “When Is Sex Tantric?”

When I Notice Another Woman

After my article “When a Woman Turns a Man’s Head” the question was raised:  How do you be with your chosen woman’s feelings when you obviously notice another woman? My advice is to be really with your woman when you’re with her. Give her your 100% when you’re together. Let her know how important sheContinueContinue reading “When I Notice Another Woman”

He Loves Me (or not)

How To Tell if Your Man Loves You? Recently, I was asked this question and I quickly thought of a couple examples. Here’s a longer answer after giving the question more thought. The average woman is much more sensitive to energy than the average man and she can depend on her intuition to guide her first.ContinueContinue reading “He Loves Me (or not)”

Conscious Relationship Ending

This is simply one way to navigate a “breakup”. I do not mean to imply this is the best method for everyone. My intimate partner and I recently shifted into being non-sexual friends and allies. I honor truth and depth and openness and, knowing this, my woman came to me with her difficult truth. SheContinueContinue reading “Conscious Relationship Ending”